480.703.3533 [email protected]


Your’e familiar with how you make Coffee. You put water in and in a minute it Super Heats the water and runs it through the Coffee Grounds and HOT COFFEE!!!!!

Navien Tankless does the same thing EXCEPT we leave the coffee out.

You turn on a Hot side of any fixture and the Tankless senses flow and heats the water, and will continue heating at the Temperature you set and never stop until you turn off the fixture. This is why you NEVER RUN OUT OF HOT WATER. It also heats the water at 97% efficiency so you only lose $.03 of energy for every dollar of gas you use.

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Old Tank heaters are like a Thermos. It is glass lined metal tank, which has insulation around the tank to keep the water warm inside. The flame is constantly heating the tank to keep the water Hot. However, when you turn on a fixture to get Hot water, new Cold water replaces the Hot Water and the Tank is unable to heat the new cold water fast enough and when when the tank heat 50% the water is no longer up to temperature, and Dad gets a Cold Shower.   At 54-60% efficiency you have $.40-$.46 cents of every energy dollar going up the flu wasted.